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Posted in Patient Events

Heart Health and Stroke Prevention Event with Leading Experts

Heart health is a critical aspect of overall well-being. In the United Kingdom, heart and circulatory diseases remain a significant public health concern.

Thursday 26th September 2024

18:15 - 20:00


Come to Combe Grove for 6:15pm for 6:30pm start.

The event is taking place at: The Oak Room, Combe Grove, Brassknocker Hill, Bath, Somerset BA2 7HS.

Pukka tea and water will be available on arrival together with some nutritious nibbles.

Join us for an informative, heart health and stroke prevention education evening. In the UK more than a million people are living with heart failure and strokes cause around 34,000 deaths each year and are the biggest cause of severe disability.

Why Heart Health Matters: Heart health is central to overall health. It's responsible for pumping nutrient-rich blood throughout our body and it supplies oxygen while removing toxins and waste. Looking after our hearts can prevent multiple complications in the future.

Cardiovascular risk factors like high blood pressure and high cholesterol and subsequent cardiovascular conditions like heart attacks, strokes and atrial fibrillation remain the major health concerns in the UK and are on the rise. Most of these conditions can be predicted, prevented and reversed.

Facts and Support:
  • Around 7.6 million people are living with a heart or circulatory disease in the UK: 4 million men and 3.6 million women.
  • In the UK there are around 100,000 hospital admissions each year due to heart attacks: that's one every five minutes.
  • People with a family history of coronary heart disease are much more likely to develop vascular dementia.
What to Expect at our event:
  • Expert Insights: Our panel of experts will share their expertise and practical advice.
  • Ask the Experts: Bring your concerns and questions about your heart health.
  • Discover more: Gain an understanding of the risk factors together with an insight into your metabolic health.


Consultant Interventional Cardiologist Dr Ali Khavandi from Sulis Hospital will talk about how we can identify 'hidden' conditions before they occur, the tricks of the food industry and how we can prevent and even reverse these through dietary changes

Registered Dietitian Dr Rebecca Hiscutt from Combe Grove will discuss how to maintain good metabolic health and its impact on your heart and your overall well-being.

Followed by a Q & A session.

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover more and prioritise your health.

Join us on Thursday 26th September at Combe Grove.

6:30 pm - 8 pm with arrival at 6:15 pm.


Voluntary donations to either The Elmhurst Foundation or RUHX can be given at the event. The event will include informative presentations, interactive discussions, and the opportunity to have your questions answered by our experts.

*Limited places. Pre-booking is essential. Call 01761 422288 for more information.
Discreet, personal service at Sulis Hospital with our highly experienced team of the UK's foremost consultants.

*Advance booking is required and places are subject to availability.