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Pain Management Unit

Chronic pain? Our specialist team at Sulis Hospital Bath can help manage it and improve the quality of your life.

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’ll know how much it affects every aspect of life.

For any pain management to be useful, it needs to provide the very best treatment possible as well as ongoing support.

With our state-of-the-art facilities, it’s no wonder so many internationally-recognised pain management consultants choose to always see and treat their patients here at Sulis Hospital Bath.

Our dedicated Pain Management Unit brings together leading specialist consultants to ensure that whatever chronic pain you may have, we can help you manage it.

Book your private appointment directly with us and you’ll be seen refreshingly quickly, by an experienced consultant.

We’re experts in helping people manage their chronic pain and have a team of dedicated pain management specialists standing by to help you.

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, sometimes even the smallest daily job that others would think nothing about can seem overwhelming.

You may feel your chronic pain to be an 'invisible illness', with no-one else able to see the reality of the challenges you face each and every day.

You may be finding that:

  • you’re waking up every night due to pain
  • bending down to pick things up is causing the pain in your back to worsen
  • it’s a struggle to find the motivation for each day when you’re always in pain

Whatever pain you’re currently experiencing, we want you to know that at Sulis Hospital Bath we are here for you. We understand how debilitating chronic pain can be, and the challenges that come with it. And we’re here to help.

In the Sulis Hospital Bath Pain Management Unit our two priorities are always to:

  • diagnose and treat your chronic pain fast
  • manage your pain effectively, for the long-term

Your consultations will always be carried out in the Pain Management Unit here at Sulis Hospital Bath, where we have a dedicated team fully focused on getting your pain under control and managed properly.

When you book an appointment at Sulis Hospital Bath, you’ll be seen by one of our friendly consultants who specialise in pain management. All of them are leaders in their field and have many years of experience treating people just like you who suffer from chronic pain.

They’ll have a detailed chat with you about your symptoms, your concerns and your previous medical history to get a thorough understanding of things.

Depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing, they may want to carry out some tests to help them assess your pain levels and understand exactly what the problem is.

At Sulis Hospital Bath, we have a wide range of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to ensure a fast and accurate diagnosis for you. This means that any tests you need can be done on the same day as your consultation (we don’t want you to have the hassle of needing to come back on a different day for these tests).

Some tests your consultant may want you to have include:

  • a blood test: to check if there are any signs of inflammation or infection that may be causing your pain
  • an MRI scan
  • a CT scan

Not all of these tests will necessarily be required, and the consultant may want you to have additional tests that aren’t listed above.

Any test you do have will be thoroughly explained to you beforehand so that you know how the tests will be carried out and why they’re being done.

You’ll be pleased to know that we believe in giving you a quick, accurate diagnosis on the same day as your consultation. After all, why should you have to wait for a fortnight for your results to come back? A longer wait for results means additional worry, discomfort and uncertainty that you just don’t need.

Once your consultation is complete you’ll receive an individual pain management plan, tailored just for you. This plan may recommend (individually or a combination of):

  • a new medication regime
  • an exercise and/or physiotherapy programme
  • other multidisciplinary approaches, such as psychological support

Whatever the outcome, our Sulis Hospital Bath Pain Management team will work alongside experts from a wide range of specialities to ensure that you are always getting the best pain management possible.

We know that everybody is different. That’s why we’ll make sure that your pain management plan is created just for you.

If you do require help with chronic pain, we believe that you’ll find no better place to come for expert, specialised help than Sulis Hospital Bath.

With our state-of-the-art equipment, world-class facilities, a dedicated Pain Management Unit and a team that includes some of the top pain management specialists in the country, you can be assured you’ll be in expert and experienced hands.

In the Sulis Hospital Bath Pain Management Unit, we like to do things differently. Unlike many other hospitals, you’ll benefit from:

  • receiving your treatment within two weeks of initial diagnosis: with no waiting lists, we can get your chronic pain diagnosed and managed quickly.
  • being treated in our specialist Pain Management Unit: where every member of staff is an expert on chronic pain and can answer any questions you may have. They’re also all acutely aware of the difficulties that chronic pain brings, and so will make sure that you’re always kept as comfortable as possible.
  • our multidisciplinary team: we have built an incredibly strong and diverse team of like-minded medical experts who all work together every day to achieve the best possible pain management for everyone they see. Being able to draw upon such a vast amount of shared experience means that you will always receive the absolute best help and support possible.
  • our vast experience in helping manage chronic pain: our pain management team are hugely experienced in helping people manage chronic pain. You’re in good hands when you’re seen by us.

We know you’d prefer not to be in chronic pain. But if you are, why not have it managed by the very best pain management specialists, in the very finest hospital and with the very best possible care?

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