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Eyelid cyst chalazion

A chalazion is a common condition where a small lump or cyst develops in your eyelid due to a blocked oil gland. This condition can occur due to inflammation around the opening of the oil glands just behind your eyelashes and is called blepharitis.

The small oil glands around your lashes can become blocked by inflammation, and a small tender swelling can occur in the lid. This is known as a chalazion or a Meibomian cyst.

The chalazion can vary in size over a few weeks and may discharge spontaneously or disappear after hot compresses and lid cleaning. A small proportion of the chalazia will remain for weeks or months in the lid, as a non-tender lump. This can be left to safely get better by itself. If a large persistent lump is present, this can be incised and drained under local anaesthetic.

Sometimes the chalazion may cause a spreading infection along the surface of your lid, which might need a course of antibiotics by mouth, but this is rare.

Please see eyelid cyst removal for more information.

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